Sen. Alan Peter Cayetano, one of the closest ally of President Rody Duterte who is now in Geneva, Switzerland, joining the Philippine delegation on their defense, before the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) burns ABS-CBN for allegedly misleading people by giving an alternative facts and fake news.
Sen. Cayetano is one of the 16-member Philippine delegation to attend the UN's Universal Periodic Review to present the human rights in the Philippines and dispel reports that killings linked to the drug war were state-sponsored.
The veteran lawmaker lambasted ABS-CBN for their alleged spread of fake news and alternative facts as Sen. Cayetano compared the articles from ABS-CBN to the articles published by GMA News.
The senator questioned the country's leading news network on why they did not place the accurate number and did not mentioned the extrajudicial killings during the administration of Pres. Aquino.
Here's the Complete Post of Sen. Alan Peter Cayetano:
An Open Letter to ABS-CBN:
Your article, Exhibit A, shows how supposed professional news media can politicize human rights and mislead people by giving alternative facts and fake news.
Compare your article:
With 's article:
While GMA reported accurately why we called the alternative facts as misleading (because the EJK or deaths in past administrations numbered from 11,000 to 14,000 yearly) comparing it to the 9432 homicides and 2692 deaths resulting from presumed legitimate law enforcement operations, your article simply mentioned the 9432 and 2692 then jumped to New York Times' "9400 drug death toll" and Reuters' 9000, without mentioning the 11,000 to 14,000. Therefore denying your readers the information they need to make an informed opinion. You denied them the context of Team Philippines' assertions making it appear we are just complaining without the real numbers and true facts to counter the altetnative facts.
Actually both articles failed to mention that the CHR and critics are not using the same definition of EJKs under the Aquino Administration, making it appear that EJKs ballooned during Duterte Administration, and asserting that it is state sponsored.
But you could see GMA's effort to report accurately while ABS' effort is to perpetuate the false numbers/alternative facts.
Here in Geneva, we are not promoting/defending any administration, we are advocating for the Filipino people and the Philippines as a sovereign state. So ABS, its time to decide, will you report accurately and help your country or will you continue to politicize human rights for your owners political and business goals?
There are many many professionals and great journalist in ABS-CBN, I understand the situation you are all in. But haven't you always reminded us politicians that keeping quiet or not doing what we can is helping evil prevail? Will we all just go with the flow of the bosses' agenda? If yes, then it's your network that is damaging freedom of the press not President Duterte or his administration.
May we learn from all these.
GOD Bless The Philippines!
Source: Sen. Alan Peter Cayetano FB Page
Sen. Cayetano is one of the 16-member Philippine delegation to attend the UN's Universal Periodic Review to present the human rights in the Philippines and dispel reports that killings linked to the drug war were state-sponsored.
The veteran lawmaker lambasted ABS-CBN for their alleged spread of fake news and alternative facts as Sen. Cayetano compared the articles from ABS-CBN to the articles published by GMA News.
The senator questioned the country's leading news network on why they did not place the accurate number and did not mentioned the extrajudicial killings during the administration of Pres. Aquino.
Here's the Complete Post of Sen. Alan Peter Cayetano:
An Open Letter to ABS-CBN:
Your article, Exhibit A, shows how supposed professional news media can politicize human rights and mislead people by giving alternative facts and fake news.
Compare your article:
With 's article:
While GMA reported accurately why we called the alternative facts as misleading (because the EJK or deaths in past administrations numbered from 11,000 to 14,000 yearly) comparing it to the 9432 homicides and 2692 deaths resulting from presumed legitimate law enforcement operations, your article simply mentioned the 9432 and 2692 then jumped to New York Times' "9400 drug death toll" and Reuters' 9000, without mentioning the 11,000 to 14,000. Therefore denying your readers the information they need to make an informed opinion. You denied them the context of Team Philippines' assertions making it appear we are just complaining without the real numbers and true facts to counter the altetnative facts.
Actually both articles failed to mention that the CHR and critics are not using the same definition of EJKs under the Aquino Administration, making it appear that EJKs ballooned during Duterte Administration, and asserting that it is state sponsored.
But you could see GMA's effort to report accurately while ABS' effort is to perpetuate the false numbers/alternative facts.
Here in Geneva, we are not promoting/defending any administration, we are advocating for the Filipino people and the Philippines as a sovereign state. So ABS, its time to decide, will you report accurately and help your country or will you continue to politicize human rights for your owners political and business goals?
There are many many professionals and great journalist in ABS-CBN, I understand the situation you are all in. But haven't you always reminded us politicians that keeping quiet or not doing what we can is helping evil prevail? Will we all just go with the flow of the bosses' agenda? If yes, then it's your network that is damaging freedom of the press not President Duterte or his administration.
May we learn from all these.
GOD Bless The Philippines!
Source: Sen. Alan Peter Cayetano FB Page